Defend Yourself Against Weapons Offense Accusations
If you are a firearm owner and find yourself facing a weapons offense charge, seeking help from an experienced criminal defense lawyer is crucial as the consequences, even in a gun-friendly state like North Carolina, can be steep. Let our attorneys at Sullivan Law aggressively defend you against these charges so you can protect your liberties and rights as a gun owner.
What Is A Weapons Offense?
Here is what the state of North Carolina considers them to be:
- Bringing a weapon on or near school property.
- Owning a weapon when you have a criminal background.
- Owning a weapon if you have a domestic violence order.
- Possessing illegal weapons like machine guns and sawed-off shotguns and rifles.
Despite changes to some state gun laws in recent years, you can still face strict penalties for these violations.
What Can Happen To Your Firearms Rights If You’re Convicted?
You could be in serious trouble if found guilty of a weapons offense in North Carolina. Not only can you face significant fines and prison sentences, but you can also potentially lose your rights to own firearms under both federal and state law. In some cases, you can take steps to have your firearms rights reinstated. Still, it can involve a lengthy and bureaucratic process.
Common Defenses Against Weapons Offense Charges
Depending on your situation, these are some of the common ones you could potentially use in your defense strategy:
- Illegal search and seizure: The way authorities confiscated your weapons during a search was unconstitutional.
- Self-defense: You believed you were in significant danger and used your weapon to protect yourself.
- Unwitting possession: You were not aware that you had an illegal weapon in your possession.
There may be other strategies that can apply directly to the specific circumstances of your case. Don’t let one mistake cost you your future or your rights as a gun owner. Call us at 910-250-9289 today so we can start building your defense strategy.
Protect Your Liberties As A Gun Owner – Contact Us.
A weapons charge isn’t something to take lightly. You can have a lot at stake if you’re found guilty.
Visit our Bolivia, North Carolina, office for an initial consultation today. You can schedule one by calling us at 910-250-9289 or completing our contact form.
We take cases across Brunswick County.